Gasfjeder bagklap 145/Volvo 245 -78

Gasfjeder bagklap 145/Volvo 245 -78

SKU: 683627

1-year warranty

Fast Delivery

  • Volvo has had numerous supersessions on this part.The original application had one mechanical lever and one strut that used the 13 mm ball cup.Because many people forget to release the mechanical lever when they closed the hatch it would bend the lever. Volvo's changed the set up by using two of the same strut and changed the ball cup to 10mm. Further, Volvo sells this strut without the ball cup and you (customer) are to use your original ball cup that just screws on...All you have to do is, remove the ball cup and replace the cup with the one you have on your original strut and it will work perfectly.145 2 pc per car ch -19079145 1 pc per car ch 19080-245 1 pc per car -78245 2 pc per car 79-